

Amy during her residency at Taller La Madriguera, Barcelona, 2024.

Born in the North West of England, Amy now lives in Barcelona, Spain.

Amy has studied printmaking and drawing at Leeds College of Art and the Royal Drawing School. She is an alumnus of The Complete Printmaker at Hot Bed Press Printmakers’ Studio in Salford, and a member of Grounded Printmakers, a collective of artists, which formed in the third year.

Her monochromatic prints often use natural and found materials recovered from sites of special significance to explore and reflect upon the changing world in which we live. She uses a minimalist palette and an experimental and narrative approach to mark making in an attempt to capture and communicate the essence of the places and people she depicts.

Amy holds a Masters in Sustainable Architecture and has spent several years working with arts, social and climate justice pioneers in the UK and Spain. This experience feeds into her practice, which draws on the tension at the intersections between rootedness and exploration, integrity and corruption, trusted process and new ways of doing.

She has exhibited work both in the UK and internationally, and will be undertaking a month-long residency at La Madriguera, Barcelona, from February to March 2024.